Reconcile Mission of India (RMI) is a joint venture of WCF that amins to effectively propagate the gospel of Jesus Christ in the unreached areas of North India. The chief objective of thie venture is to train and sustain the local missionaries in the area.

The mission of RMI is to sow “the Seed of Reconciliation,” between God and people. We ae commited to reach out to the world, preach to the unsaved and teach the saved to serve the nations in the unreached areas of India. In order to achieve this goal, we equip catalytic leaders and train them in the Word of God and support them to plant new churches that will result in a spontaneous expansion of the Church in India.

Some of the activites that our church partners along with RMI include:

1. Church Planting in various Indian states. Currently there are  about 129 churches in various states, including Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra and Karnataka.

2. Leadership training programs We believe in decentralized leadership and train the disciple to be leaders. We tech them not only to grow in one’s relationship with Jesus Christ, but also be shaped for ministry leadership through challenge, discipleship, and practical experience.

3. Providing Conveyance

4. Bible and Literature Distribution.

5. SHG (Self Help Group) program in rural India has broad anti-poverty agenda. We have a variety of goals, including empowering women, developing leadership abilities among poor people, increasing school enrolments, and improving nutrition and the use of birth control.

6. Tailoring Centres

7. Medical camps