“Let the children come to me, and do not forbid them; for such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” – Luke 18:16-17
The future of every community is its children. Instilling Christian morals and values into the new generation is the vision of WCF Sunday school. To acomplish this aim, the Sunday School team of WCF inspires and motivates youngsters to explore and find out how spirituality is significant in their life and encourages them to incorporate Christian values in their life.
Our Sunday School ministry began in January 2006, with just a few students and one teacher. Today, it is headed by Mrs Stephy Jimmy and comprises of over 45 students in eight classes, with twelve teachers who are dedicated in teaching the children in both the Scriptures and its relevance in the modern world. The Sunday school currently follows the syllabus from the Children’s Educational and Charitable Institution. The Christian message is conveyed to the kids through Bible study, music, storytelling, videos and games. The term time begins in January and ends in December.
The Sunday School is held from 9:30 AM to 10:20 AM, before the first service. We deeply believe that each child should be equipped with the Word of God to be able to stand firm in the world full of challenges. We earnestly encourage every parent to see this as a top priority and bring their children to classes regularly. Each academic year ends with the annual exam, talent show and anniversary celebrations.
Apart from the classes for the children, a Bible class is conducted for the adults to establish them in the Christian faith.